85 out of 100 mechatronics students work after graduation, but women in the field are poorly represented.

“The mechatronic industry has an urgent need for girls”. These are the words of Daniele Vacchi, director of the Its Maker foundation, founded in 2013 by the union of the three ITS of Bologna, Modena and Reggio Emilia, to which was added Fornovo di Taro, in the province of Parma, Forlì and by October Rimini.

“Only two girls per class.” Its Maker’s mission is to train skilled labour, offering professional courses to new graduates to become experts in mechanics, mechatronics, motor engineering and packaging.

Vacchi points out that most of the students enrolled in the courses mentioned above are men. The average is less than two female students per class, 4% of the total.
“We need a cultural revolution from the top: it is time for the sector to welcome more women, who are very well prepared but who, too often, even with the same or superior potential, are relegated to traditional or subordinate roles. An income and career opportunity injustice that must be overcome “.

Vacchi then appeals to newly graduated girls: «Subscribe to our courses. Convince your families and, after two years, you won’t even have to look for a job because it will be the job to find you “.
«The industry has changed, working in mechanics is no longer a labour of fatigue: forget the old factory where you get dirty with grease, the mechanics got married with electronics and became mechatronics, a job of care and team that evolves continuously “.

Thanks to its Makers courses, 82% of students have a job since graduation. Frontal lessons held by professors from the world of industry, 800 hours of training in the company in two years: in short, as Vacchi says, “you dive into a truly stimulating environment”.
«Emilia Romagna has the highest concentration in the world of mechatronic companies. We are trained to train 250 professionals every year, but the region’s supply chain would require over 2000. That’s why we would need other training courses like ours. ”
Moreover, raise with a joke: “This is also why we need girls: the males are almost finisherd!”

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