Validated Joint Training Supply

In Work Package 5 (WP5) the NEW METRO project approach and results issued from the WP 2, 3 and 4 were validated. The New Metro project is characterized both by joint European design and by some common outputs and outcomes as:

1) Learning module or VOOC design and develop by teachers from different countries that were tested by young students or adult workers in different pilot sites;
2) Work Based Learning and transnational mobility shared model;
3) Result of challenge, where various teams of different Countries participated;
4) Joint European Model and tools.

The main aim of the Piloting and Validation phase was to integrate the feedback in order to improve the final results.

WP5 has detailed aims such as: 

  • validating the Learning delivery model which includes the training/learning scheme model for the Mechatronic, the Competence framework, the Transnational shared components of the model; 
  • identify mechanisms to reach out to the target group; 
  • highlight barriers, criticalities and strengths of the proposed model; 
  • provide the intermediary category of professionals (Teachers and pedagogical engineers, employers’ associations, Trade Unions and Policy makers) with guidelines to support them in their task in relation to the target group (in their approaching the matter, the learning delivery services, etc.)