Founded in 1993, SFC – Sistemi Formativi Confindustria is a consortium with Confindustria – the Confederation

representing manufacturing and service companies in Italy – as majority shareholder. Other members include some

of main Italian Business schools, VET Provider operating at regional and national level.The aims of SFC is to:

– Support the development of Confindustria, the Confederation of Italian Industry

– Sustain the growth and competitiveness of Italian SMEs and the employability and the entrepreneurial mindset of

young people

– Encourage the modernisation of the Italian Public Administration

The main pillars of activities are:

TEACHING/KNOWLEDGE SERVICE: developing educational models and guidance services to reduce skills gap and

facilitate the transition from school to work. SFC has developed a specific path about entrepreneurship among

young people, oriented to enforce a self employment approach (

FROM RESEARCH TO ACTION: carring out research on the labour market, training and supports civil servants at the

national and local level on economic and social development projects about the items of Internationalisation,

Improve Research and Innovation in Enterprise, Safety and Security, Green Skills. Activities are carried out with the

involvement of the social partners to ensure standard of quality as well as foreseen in proposals.

FOSTERING DEBATE & DISSEMINATION: thanks to the support of the Confindustria network associations and an

operative branch in Bruxelles, SFC promotes debate surrounding professional training policies and substains

synergies between decision makers from training, business and public procurement sector.

The previous main Erasmus projects supported by SFC are



Area Risorse & Progetti

SFC – Sistemi Formativi Confindustria S.C.p.A.

00144 Roma – V.le Pasteur, 6

Tel. +39 06 5903465  

Fax +39 06 5903757

Mob. +39 339 5954640